Why do i get so many urinary tract infections? - urinary tract infections more condition_symptoms
He seems to have urinary tract infections all the time, especially since I started with my new friend. me with my last boyfriend did not seem so often. Why do not seem prone to them and what could be my new friend, who is more than usual? Thank you!
Women are more likely than men to the ITU as a result of the female anatomy of the urinary tract. You can not do anything about anatomy, but can be treated to prevent infection recurennce.
The symptoms you describe sex as often and longer, and with a new friend called "honeymoon cystitis." You can find very good explanation of the symptoms and treatment and prevention on the Internet. Begin
But we must take seriously. I also recommend seeing a gynecologist, so you can discuss your sypmtoms and treatment options with a specialist. And without other possible causes of recurrent ITU.
Honey, I'm in the same boat. He had a one month before and they pointed back! See also my question. If I have an answer, I say!
There are many different causes of urinary tract infection, but since you mention the new friend, I guess there is a change in their sexual habits. Be sure to try the toilet after each session and to clean up a bit. The sex can be bacteria in the intensive care unit uretrha leads push, urinating after intercourse helps to clear up some of the bacteria.
Hope it helps
the abundance of sex! The gynecologist told me that the more frequent sexual intercourse, the more likey hood contracting a urinary tract infection!
my current bf and I have a high libido, and all were commonly used. Then we parted and there was little. Then we returned to collect and sex sex sex and more often.
and the doc told me to make sure that you urinate after a while we had sex Eevery!
But sometimes it is impossible for every moment that having sex as often as we urinate in the past.
He has to wash, so that more can have only susceptible to infection. I will do a lot of yeast infections, kidney infections, lung infections, too. It is somewhat immune. Talk to your doctor and he / she drugs.
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