Sunday, January 17, 2010

Equitation Horses For Sale Is This Too Good To Be True?

Is this too good to be true? - equitation horses for sale

As one of my other questions, said, "I am trained to find a horse by WP at least $ 2000. And I lived my favorite horse (often preferred for sale, if I like and they are expensive, in the hope that their prices fall) and found!

Is it too good to be true or is it really a good horse? I'm in a WP-trained horse, a horse track drive interest and for a horse that could do both English and Western hoped, as I am interested in the Hunter Seat Equitation, but I've always been a passion for WP, so you do not want to buy an English horse, and then I do not like!

Then I'll get? Or is there something wrong that I'm missing?

Thank you!


Standard... said...

Your confirmation is not so great. With many jobs that could be in a position to lead

Here are some of the horses as you want (in Kentucky) have

Louise said...

The last thing is to see Greenbroke that she is not willing to be proven. It takes a lot of training. I'm not an Arab person, so I couldnt really a good opinion of him. QH and color are the best of their Western taste. Although the Arabs, with a lot of work .. can be great too.

Lauren said...

Vi was sold, but good luck in your search. Make sure to get everything that you buy a good horse vet check. Why not try to save horses. They are still unaware, at a reasonable price and, at least, what you get. So good luck! The horses are so amazing!

lkwhosta... said...

Well, if you intend to buy the same horse to ... Make sure that your review will be carried out prior to purchase, even if the owner insists there is nothing wrong with the horse. The horse is very pretty, but the picture can speak volumes.

Good luck.

reynwate... said...

You can not beat the Crabbet Arabian, sensitive, students quickly control level, arterial lines, rarely is it a hot "find Crabbet crazy." For many years he worked with them. Very ready, you can WP / EP just go, my son has done everything.

live.lau... said...

Ahh. This guy is something nice! I'm not sure, though.
If you already have experience, go!
I would not just write fire the coach.

Very nice overall.

In reality, no way!
11 years old and broken green?
Wastes from the poor, I say

jl_vjthe... said...

Id go for it. However, it is necessary to check first that it (the mountain, where possible, a veterinary health check, etc. ....)

Roscoe94 said...


Jordyn said...

Arabs! I love to see that someone turns to the Arabs.
many people are biased when running, they are actually really amazing. beautiful.

and the angel showed much if there is someone who supports Arabic. one, that all Arabs, which has absolutely nothing to do, fun, especially in the west.
It is also open, with different types of classes for the joy of the West. are a type of security, paints and quarter horses and those on horseback, then the Arabs, NSH, Morgans, and others.
The Arabs can be stretched, but no other horse race.
I saw many horses fourth and paintings as well as very nervous or more nervous than the Arabs. You just have a bad reputation is everything.

while the second horse is not terrible. they have no chance, good conformation. and said he had gone in search of a horse, WP is not more than eleven years ago broke the green and higher. I think it would not be happy about it.

~~Angel... said...

Frankly, I do not think that Arabic would be a good fit for the pleasure of the West. In WP have the horse has a "whole head down" and Arabs are naturally high arch and a helmet. Moreover, the Arabs, who are known to be suitable high-strung side, either for WP. I was an Arab, and Hunt Seat with her and she did well, because a slow pace of the thing and head, that's OK.
If you are in English and Western riding, why not, interested in a QH, Paint, or App? Even a thoroughbred that could work. For WP, I would definitely stay away from Arabs, but. This is just things I learned from experience.
In addition, the second horse is very pretty. ;-)
Good luck for the future, I hope you find the horse of your dreams.

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